A SIP Trunk can breathe new life into aging on-premises Key Systems, PBX, Gate Entry Systems, and anything that requires a dial tone. Most newer on-premises IP-PBX systems can bypass analog dial tone without needing an ATA and integrate with a SIP Trunk. So whether you are looking for a hybrid solution (breathing new life into aging equipment) or reducing costs, SIP Trunks are an effective way to ditch analog phone lines. Check out POTS Replacement if you need to replace an Alarm or Elevator line and Fax over IP if you need to replace a Fax Machine.

Lower call charges

Unlimited calling in the US & Canada.

Lower Monthly Fees

As always with Twisted VoIP there are no fees hidden or otherwise. This means consistent billings making budgeting easy.

Increased flexibility

Add lines, re-route calls, built-in failover. It’s not your Mother’s landline™.

SIP Trunk


Remote Voicemail

Voicemail to Email

Instantly Scalable

Keep your current numbers

Disaster Recovery built-in.

Local and Toll Free Numbers available

Dial Tone for all Phone Systems!

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Granstream HT801
An easy-to-use 1 port ATA.
Max: 1578
Min: 1
Step: 1
Grandstream 802 ATA
The Grandstream HT802 is a 2-port analog telephone adapter (ATA)…
Max: 1809
Min: 1
Step: 1
Max: 800
Min: 1
Step: 1

Seriously our SIP Trunks are awesome! Contact us and let’s see what we can do for you. 

Twisted VoIP