FCC to Require Broadband Labels

Broadband Facts Example Label

From the introductory phrase in FCC-22-86A1, “Consumer access to clear, easy-to-understand, and accurate information is central to a well-functioning marketplace that encourages competition, innovation, low prices, and high-quality services.” The display of broadband consumer labels stems from the direction of the Infrastructure Act. On January 27, 2022, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was released and initiated the implementation of section 60504 of the Infrastructure Act, Specifically, the commission proposed to require that ISPs display, at the point of sale, labels that disclose to consumers certain information about prices, introductory rates, data allowances, broadband speeds, and management practices, among other things. Adopting a new broadband label is aimed at helping consumers compare broadband services before committing.

For reference, here is Section 60504 from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act –


    (a) <> Final Rule.--Not 
later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Commission shall promulgate regulations to require the display of 
broadband consumer labels, as described in the Public Notice of the 
Commission issued on April 4, 2016 (DA 16-357), to disclose to consumers 
information regarding broadband internet access service plans.

    (b) Introductory Rate Information.--
            (1) In general.--The broadband consumer label required under 
        subsection (a) shall also include information regarding whether 
        the offered price is an introductory rate and, if so, the price 
        the consumer will be required to pay following the introductory 
            (2) Use in broadband data collection.--The Commission shall 
        rely on the price information displayed on the broadband 
        consumer label required under subsection (a) for any collection 
        of data relating to the price and subscription rates of each 
        covered broadband internet access service under section 

    (c) <>  Hearings.--In issuing the final rule 
under subsection (a), the Commission shall conduct a series of public 
hearings to assess, at the time of the proceeding--
            (1) how consumers evaluate broadband internet access service 
        plans; and
            (2) whether disclosures to consumers of information 
        regarding broadband internet access service plans, including the 
        disclosures required under section 8.1 of title 47, Code of 
        Federal Regulations, are available, effective, and sufficient.


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