Taxes and Fees

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regularly collects taxes from VoIP providers like Twister VoIP LLC. These taxes go toward providing services like E911, TTY(Teletypewriter), Translation services, and low-cost lifeline service, among other resources. They are accessed when you use VoIP technology. Cellular or POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), and some Internet Services.

There are several different types of taxes that the FCC collects, and the cost may vary based on the location of the consumer:

FCC Regulatory Fee (VoIP) – Regulatory Recovery Fee

  • Twisted VoIP LLC charges a Regulatory Recovery Fee to cover the cost of complying with government regulations, covering costs and expenses related to repairing and maintaining our network, and other similar activities.
  • The fee is collected in advance for each billing cycle, adding it to the monthly bill or charging it separately.

FUSF (VoIP) – Federal Universal Service Charge

  • Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) is a tax that helps provide phone service to rural areas, low-income families and individuals, and other programs.
  • Twisted VoIP LLC provides phone services to rural areas and more. We are required to collect this fee on behalf of the Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF).

P.U.C Fee – Public Utility Commission Fee

  • The P.U.C Fee is a tax that all Interconnected-VoIP providers must pay to the Public Utility Commission. It is designed to help offset the costs of maintaining and protecting our public safety networks, and telecommunications services. This is a free imposed by the State or Local Government, and not every state or local government requires that we collect this fee.

Statutory Gross Receipts Fee

  • Statutory Gross Receipts is a tax on the sale of goods or services in a state. This fee is typically imposed on the telecommunication provider; however, some states allow the provider to pass on the tax to the consumer.

Universal Service Fund – Universal Service Fund (VoIP)

  • Like the FUSF (Federal Universal Service Charge), this tax aims to help fund the government’s universal service programs, including a program that provides low-income households with discounted phone service.

If you have additional questions about Taxes or Fees, please contact us.

Twisted VoIP