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How can Trend Micro™
Worry-Free™ with
Co-Managed XDR solve your
detection and response

Trend Micro Img


Stealthy threats are evading detection


It only takes one threat to get
through to be 100% at risk.

In the last five years, there’s been a
67% increase in security breaches (+11% YoY growth).


Disconnected security layers make analyzing
and investigating threats a challenge.

Siloed tools lead to missed
detections and piecemeal,
manually taxing investigations.

66% of organizations said that threat
detection/response effectiveness is limited
because it is based upon multiple
independent point tools.


Disconnected Img

Staffing shortage and security expertise

Staffing shortage and security expertise

Too many alerts and limited
staff resources increases the
time to identify and
remediate threats.
With no clear indicators, it’s
hard to respond effectively.

68% of breaches took several
months or longer to discover. The
mean time to identify (MTTI) increased
to 197 days and mean time to contain
(MTTC) increased to 69 days.



Too many alerts? Not sure what’s
critical? Hard to investigate? Threats
taking too long to detect?

Trend Micro Worry-Free with
Co-Managed XDR can help – see
what you’ve been missing.



Augment your team

Designed specifically for MSPs with
limited resources, skillset, or time
for threat investigation.

Add security analysts and
expertise without worrying about
finding talent, paying salaries, or
employee benefits.

Trend Micro security experts can conduct
incident response and mitigate threats for
your customers on your behalf.

Beyond the endpoint

Beyond the endpoint

Worry-Free with Co-Managed XDR connects events across email and endpoint. Endpoint activity that seems benign on its own suddenly becomes a high priority alert so you can contain its impact fast.

94% of malware infections come from
email, which is the #1 cyberattack source.


Cross-Customer Analysis

Proactively protect your entire
customer base from similar attacks.

Trend Micro security experts will
take threat intelligence from a
single customer and automatically
check your customer base and take
action to protect multiple
customers at once.

Cross Customer
Differentiate Your Company

Differentiate Your Company

Elevate your security service offerings
and tap into new opportunities.

Offer 24/7 security monitoring,
investigation, remediation, and
response services backed by the
resources and expertise of a team of
Trend Micro security experts.

Eliminate Costs

Control costs and generate the ROI
you expect.

No need for an expensive SOC here.
With Worry-Free with Co-Managed
XDR, you get access to all of the
tools from a modern SOC at a
modest, predictable rate instead of
a significant up-front cost.

Use the service only as long as you
need it with our no-commitment
monthly billing.

Eliminate Costs

Learn more about Worry-Free with Co-Managed XDR
and how it can help you, visit

Twisted VoIP